

SKKU News - University

Completion of the 2022 Graduation Ceremony of Samsung Electronics Institute of Technology 2023.03.03
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Views : 5461
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Completion of the 2022 Graduation Ceremony of Samsung Electronics Institute of Technology 

The 2022 graduation ceremony for Samsung Electronics Institute of Technology (President Kyehyun Kyung), which signed an exchange agreement with our university, was held at Samsung Electronics DSR Auditorium on February 23. In the ceremony, one doctorate degree and 27 Master’s degrees had graduated from the Department of Semiconductor Display Engineering at our university, and 31 Bachelor's degrees had graduated from the Department of Semiconductor Engineering at Samsung Electronics Institute of Technology.

Unlike the 2020 and 2021 graduation ceremonies, where only the minimum number of students had attended due to the COVID-19, this time, around 200 guests, including President Ji-Beom Yoo, president of SKKU, and Kyehyun Kyung, president of Samsung Electronics Institute of Technology, attended the graduation ceremony and congratulated the graduates who have successfully juggled both their professional and academic studies.

As the first accredited university approved by the Ministry of Education in Korea, Samsung Electronics Institute of Technology is closely tied to our university in that the students take the courses provided by the Department of Semiconductor Display Engineering at our university for their master's and doctorate and the bachelor’s degree program is operated by SKKU Extension School.

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