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The College of Liberal Arts held the first Human Keum event of the 2023 academic year 2023.05.03
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The College of Liberal Arts held the first Human Keum event of the 2023 academic year

The College of Liberal Arts (Dean Daehoe Ahn) held the 12th and 13th Human Keum events for the first semester of the 2023 academic year on March 31st and April 21st, respectively, at the Toegye Humanities Building and Myeongnyun Seowon.

At the 12th Human Keum, Professor Kyung-jun Kwon of the Department of Russian Language and Literature presented on the topic of "Repetition of the Same Words is Repetition," and at the 13th event, Professor Kyong Sok Kim of the Department of History and Korean Studies, who is the author of "A Chronicle of the Independence Movement 1-2," presented on the theme of "The Inside and Outside of 'A Chronicle of the Independence Movement'."

The College of Humanities has been regularly holding the "Human Keum" (Humanities Keum Cultivation, Growth) since the first semester of the 2022 academic year as a place for discussing academic topics without formality. It has been held at the Toegye Humanities Building lecture hall on Fridays every two to three weeks and was held a total of 11 times during the 2022 academic year.

In addition to Dean Daehoe Ahn of the College of Liberal Arts, faculty members of the College of Humanities and the Director of Sungkyun Institute of Convergence participated in the 12th and 13th Human Keum events, fostering academic exchange and camaraderie.

In his opening remarks for the two-day event, Dean Ahn expressed his hope that the Human Keum would expand beyond the College of Liberal Arts and become a place for diverse academic units to gather and exchange ideas.

The College of Liberal Arts plans to do its best to establish the Human Keum as a valuable event where faculty members can communicate and broaden the range of academic exchange, gain insights and understanding in other academic fields.

For the 2023 academic year, the College of Liberal Arts plans to actively encourage the participation of faculty members from other academic units, as well as to promote academic exchange among members of different faculties to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration.

The 14th Human Keum is scheduled to be held on May 12th at the Toegye Humanities Building 31310 lecture hall with a topic prepared by Professor Seol Min of the Department of Philosophy.

○Schedule of College of Liberal Arts Human Keum for the 2022 academic year

○ Inquiries Related to Human Keum: Administration Office of Liberal Arts(02-760-0914, 김문호 계장)

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