

SKKU News - University

Korean Culture Int’l Forum 2011.09.16
  • SKKU
  • Views : 10419
게시글 내용

Korean Culture

On August 1st to the 4th 2011, a group of 110 international students participated in the first Han On International Forum hosted by the students at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). In Korean, meaning of Han On is an ancient greeting exchange between hosts and guests.

The International Forum had four main tracks including: Korean Culture, Economy and Business, Information Communication Technology, and Cooperation between South and North Korea.

Jang-Hwan Bae, Director of the Han On International Forum, said: “It was very satisfying to see students learning about culture business and politics in Korea.” He also noted, “When I finish my studies at Sungkyunkwan University in Korean Literature in Classical Chinese, I hope that I’m able to find a way to help others and myself to learn together across cultures.”

Chul-Min Mo, the 1st Vice Minister of Culture, Sports & Tourism, said: “Members of the Han On had a very successful conference and I’m pleased with their success in helping others understand our culture.” 


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