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The World Enlightening 9th Sungdae Myeongnyun Special Lecture 2022.11.11
  • Office of International Affairs
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The World Enlightening 9th Sungdae Myeongnyun Special Lecture


      Prof. Jared Diamond                          Prof. Jeong Woo Koo

Prof. Jared Diamond, a world-class scholar and a distinguished chair professor of SKKU, shows up in the next Sungdae Myeongnyun Special Lecture. On the upcoming November 16th (Wed), starting from 10 A.M., the 9th special lecture is held by Prof. Jared Diamond under the theme of “What’s Next”, hosted by Prof. Jeong Woo Koo (Department of Sociology).

Prof. Diamond is a professor of Geography at UCLA and a distinguished chair professor at SKKU. He is widely known as the author of <Guns, Germs, and Steel>, translated into 37 languages including Korean. He wrote <Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed>, <The Evolution of Human Sexuality>, <Third Chimpanzee>, <The World Until Yesterday>, and published <Upheaval> in 2019. He has been conducting research focusing on 3 areas: the biology of New Guinea birds, digestive physiology, and conservation biology. Broadly speaking, his research interests are geography, human society, and biogeography. He won the American Academy of Sciences Medal, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Science, and was elected to the American Academy of Sciences. He served as director of the World Wildlife Fund and the International Conservation Fund.

The host of this special lecture, Prof. Koo said, “This lecture deals with the crises and challenges facing the world and us, including climate change, inequality, and nuclear war. We will be advising on whether we can successfully overcome this crisis and what each individual should do to achieve this. Through this lecture, I understand that Prof. Diamond has prepared various suggestions for a successful college life and a meaningful work life for students and graduates of SKKU.”

This lecture will be held in Humanities and Social Sciences Campus Live Virtual Studio both offline and online (Real Time Streaming).

※ Sungdae Myungnyun Special Lecture ZOOM URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4820336975?pwd=SkNMcEZ5WnBLVldUQ0lEbkFsYlJxdz09

※ Inquiry: Office of Academic Affairs (02-760-1053, hhgil@skku.edu)

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