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Office of International Student Services (OISS) Hosts Hanbok Experience Event for International Students for Chuseok 2023.09.19
  • Office of International Affairs
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Office of International Student Services (OISS) Hosts Hanbok Experience Event for International Students in Celebration of Chuseok

- Timeless Elegance: Enbracing Hanbok Culture on SKKU Campus 

The Office of International Student Services (OISS) has announced that they will be hosting a "Campus Hanbok Experience" event on Wednesday, the 20th, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus's Gold Lawn Square, allowing international students to enjoy and experience Korean culture during the Chuseok holiday.

This event was planned with the awareness that international students studying abroad in Korea may feel excluded during the holiday season when Koreans typically spend time with their families and relatives.

During the event, international students studying at our university will visit specially designated Hanbok rental booths on campus. They will have the opportunity to dress in Hanbok, take photos, enjoy traditional rice cakes (songpyeon), and participate in various activities, experiencing Chuseok.

Participating students can later post photos and stories on social media at the Hanbok Photogenic Event, and outstanding entries may even receive scholarships.

Director Hanjung Lee of the International Office stated, "I hope that this event provides foreign students with the opportunity to directly experience the beauty of Hanbok and Korean holiday culture and that they can also share it widely in their home countries. I also hope that foreign students who may feel lonely during the holidays can make many friends within the university and enjoy Chuseok together."

Hanbok Experience Guide(Click Here)

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