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School of Pharmacy Prof. Ki-Hyun Kim’s Joint Research Team, Discovered a New Inhibitory Substance of Brest Cancer Cell f 2020.11.10
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School of Pharmacy Prof. Ki-Hyun Kim’s Joint Research Team, Discovered a New Inhibitory Substance of Brest Cancer Cell from Giant Puffball 

The joint research team of National Institute of Forest Science and SKKU School of Pharmacy Prof. Ki-Hyun Kim’s research team announced that they have discovered a sterol natural substance that inhibit the growth and development of breast cancer cell from giant puffball on November 9 (Mon).

The joint research team has found the efficiency of reducing the viability of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells from natural substances in the giant puffball. This substance is expected to be highly utilize in the hormone treatment of breast cancer cell, a type that grows in response to estrogen, a female hormone.

The new sterol natural substance is highly related to ergosterol synthesis that helps absorb vitamin D, which is expected to boost immunity.

The result of this study is selected as the cover page of ‘Journal of Natural Product’ Vol 83 Issue 9, the popular international journal for natural product chemistry published by the American Society of Pharmacognosy.

The National Institute of Forest Science said that the high expectations for the treatment of certain diseases can still be premature, as the development of new drugs using giant puffball requires toxicity assessment, safety verification, and clinical tests.

In particular, cancer patients must consult with their specialist and pharmacist to ensure that there are no side effects before mixing with drugs for treatment purposes.

*Original Article: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20201109027400063?input=1195m

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