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Special Lecture held by overseas visiting scholar on Sungkyun Classical Studies 2023.03.08
  • Office of International Affairs
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Special Lecture held provided by overseas visiting scholar on Sungkyun Classical Studies

- US. MIT Prof. Wiebke Denecke

Prof. Wiebke Denecke, a top scholar in the field of East Asian classical studies at MIT, will be giving a special lecture at the "Sungkyun Classical Studies Overseas visiting scholar.” This lecture will take place on March 9th (Thurs.) at 4 p.m. under the theme of “Poetry as Global Soft Power? Mission Diplomacy and Peace-Making in Early Modern East Asia."

Wiebke Denecke is Professor of East Asian Literatures at MIT. Prior to MIT, she held appointments at Columbia University and at Boston University and visiting professor appointments at Dōshisha University (Kyoto) and Korea University (Seoul). She received her PhD in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University.

Prof. Denecke is one of the editors of The Norton Anthology of World Literature and The Norton Anthology of Western Literature and was the writer for The Oxford Handbook of Classical Chinese Literature. Focusing on the "Moon (文)’" which was recently shared in the Chinese character culture, she wrote 『日本「文」学史』 (a total of three volumes) with various domestic and foreign scholars including Prof. Inhan Kwon, Yong Tai Kim, and Hoduk Hwang of SKKU. Currently, she is curating the book series East Asian Comparative Literature and Culture and The Hsu-Tang Library of Classical Chinese Literature.

Denecke is currently working on projects exploring the relationship of early Japanese literary culture to China and Korea and developing methodologies for the emerging field of comparative studies of East Asia’s Sinographic Sphere, translations of Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese poetry, and on visions for the global transformation of the humanities. This special lecture is an extension of the study, and will explain the political and cultural exchanges of the East Asian sphere through Chinese poems exchanged by envoys.

The special lecture will be co-hosted by Myeongryun Seowon, the Chinese Language Institute of this school, BK21 East Asian Antiquities Future Talent Education Research Team, and BK21 Korean Language and Literature Education Research Group, which aims for innovation, sharing, and justice. It will be held simultaneously offline on the 6th floor of the 600th Anniversary Hall at the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus and online streaming through the provided link below.

○ Special Lecture URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3482841611?pwd=RU1Ba0ZHTG5mVFhMcXQ1OXU3SlpGZz09

   - ID: 348 284 1611

   - Password: 067439

○ Contact: East Asian Classical Studies Future Talent Education Research Team (02-740-1897, bbareun86@skku.edu)

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