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"Fifteen years ago, drinks were repaid with breakfast"... University janitors donate 12 million won 2024.04.03
  • Office of International Relations
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"Fifteen years ago, drinks were repaid with breakfast"... University janitors donate 12 million won

-Used as a fund for one-thousand-won breakfasts for students

-The donation ceremony was held at the Research Complex 1 on March 20 (Wed)

▲ (From left) Chief Director Young-soo Ju, Student President Young-gi Jung, Director Ok-soon Shin, President Ji-beom Yoo

On March 20th (Wed), a heartwarming event was held at the Natural Science Campus to warm up the cold spring.

Janitors working at our university have donated over 12 million won collected over the past year to ensure that students can have a hearty breakfast.

About 100 janitors, including Director Ok-soon Shin, who is in charge of the Natural Science Campus janitors, have been conducting a fundraising campaign called 'Senior Love Meal Support Fund' (also known as the 'Seniors Pay' campaign), which supports students with a mere one-thousand-won for breakfast, since a year ago.

They started voluntarily collecting money using plastic containers they picked up from trash cans in front of the Student Union Building a year ago. They collected approximately 12 million won in this way.

The Office of External Affairs, upon hearing about their intention to donate, organized a fund donation ceremony to express gratitude to the janitors. The fund donation ceremony held on the 20th was filled with warm communication between university members and janitors.

At the fund donation ceremony on that day, President Ji-beom Yoo, Chief Director Young-soo Ju of the Sungkyunkwan University Corporation, and other university officials, as well as 102 janitors, gathered to communicate with each other. In addition, wine sponsored by the Alumni Association (President Kim Seong-jip), upon hearing about the donation news, was prepared on the tables, and the Student Council (President Jung Young-gi, Mathematics '18), moved by the affection of the janitors, also brought coffee coupon gifts.

Director Ok-soon Shin said at the commemorative speech, "While pondering ways to help students, I happened to learn that the school was conducting a campaign to provide one-thousand-won breakfasts, so I decided to participate in the donation," and "Although it is a very small amount of money, I am grateful for providing such a wonderful opportunity, and I am proud that the janitors at Sungkyunkwan University can feel like part of the university community." expressed her feelings.

President Ji-beom Yoo, through a visit, expressed his deep gratitude, saying, "Many people are participating in the fundraising campaign for one-thousand-won breakfasts, but I am deeply grateful that the janitors voluntarily participated and showed affection for our sons and daughters, like their own children," and "I am very grateful for practicing the culture of cooperation and coexistence."

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