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Celebrating the 6th Anniversary: Campus Asia’s Student Symposium 2019.12.20
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Views : 9851
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Celebrating the 6th Anniversary: Campus Asia’s Student Symposium 

The 6th Student Symposium of the Campus Asia Project was held on November 30 (Sat) in the Law School at the Humanities and Social Science Campus.

Initially launched as a pilot project through government funding in 2011, Campus Asia is a trilateral program run by three Asia-Pacific countries (Japan, China, and Korea) with the purpose of conducting joint research and education. Its academic partners comprise of five universities from China (Shangdong University, Jilin University, Renmin University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jio Tong University), three universities from Japan (Nagasaki University, Okayama University, and Nagoya University), and two universities from South Korea (SKKU and Seoul National University). The project encourages students from each law school to participate in the symposium annually, facilitating active academic discussions.

The symposium has been held at Nagoya University in Japan since its beginning, but this year it was held at Sungkyunkwan University for the first time for the 6th anniversary. This year’s topic was the possibility and potential of having cross-border Jus Commune (Common Law) in East Asia. Chul Kwon, Associate Professor at SKKU Law School said, “The students’ efforts to find commonalities despite their individual differences were praise-worthy, especially in situations when there is no real academic consensus.” He added, “Understanding an individual country’s national law and political systems are critical in finding a common value when it comes to engagement of comparative research.”

Participants of this symposium have had some remarkable career paths including being hired at major law firms or becoming prosecutors after graduating. Some have successfully passed the Foreign Services Examination and gained employment at leading global corporations.

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