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SKKU Capstone Design Team Wins First Prize 2019.12.16
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Views : 10613
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SKKU Capstone Design Team Wins First Prize

SKKU’s Capstone Team, U-CON, was awarded the Prime Minister Award in the 2019 Engineering Education Festa Capstone Design Festival, followed by being the first prize winner at the 2019 X-Corps Festival.

The 2019 Engineering Education Festa had a total of 145 teams with 1,000 design works that were submitted by engineering students from 90 engineering colleges nationwide. The final prize winners were selected through on-site screening on the day of the festival, making the selection process very intensive and selective.

The winners of the 2019 X-Corps Festival were selected among 40 teams who made it to the final competition after passing the preliminary test that consisted of 400 teams.

For the past year and eight months, U-CON has been engaging in research that charges several parked electric vehicles in a selective, sequential, and autonomous way, proposing a new charging model for the automotive industry.

“There are diverse opportunities available for students who are driven by self-directed learning at our university”, said Ji-beom Yoo, Professor in the School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering at SKKU. “Winning these awards was yet another firm authentication of how our students have unlimited possibilities and are full of potentials.”


[ 2019 Engineering Education Festa: U-CON team as the First Prize Winner - Prime Minister Award]

[2019 Engineering Education Festa: U-CON Team Members]

[ 2019 X-Corps Festival: Participating Teams ]


[ 2019 X-Corps Festival: First-Prize Winner - U-CON(Left), Third-Prize Winner - Radiant Heat Heros (Right) ]

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