


인문정보운영팀~ 너무 감사합니다 ^^ 2015.03.31
  • 전윤정
  • 조회수 : 7741
게시글 내용
제가 한국말이 좀 서툴어서, 영어로 글쓸게용~
A year and a half ago, I came to SKKU after graduating in the US and everything was so unfamilliar and difficult for me. Adjusting to a new way of school life here in Korea, to be honest, was a little scary. 

I remember walking into the library here in SKKU Seoul campus, absoultely clueless. I didn`t know what I supposed to do, like how to set  up a mobile account, how to work the printers, how to put money into the machine etc... all the basic things that were fundamental, I have yet to figure out. 

But thanks to the wonderful members from the  인문정보운영팀, my transition into SKKU couldn`t have been easier. Their hospitable welcome and patience as well as their thoroughness in explaning all the important things to the smallest aspects that I needed to know for an easier school life, ah....you have no idea how grateful I was, and still am. 

One of the most difficult things I struggled to get was installing of the mobile student ID card on my phone. I tried to do it by myself at home but with no prevail. I went to the school front desk the next day to inquire about my problem and they handed me a little leaflet that said, "Mobile Student ID Card: Installation Guideline for International Students." No more additional words were needed. I had all I needed.

The leaflet contained everything that I needed in order to complete intalling the app on my phone. It was sooo simple and sweet. Whoever made this is brilliant. I still use this to this day. When I see new students in my classes  struggling with the app installation, I just grab this leaflet and give it to them. Problems fixed. 

Anyways, this was a long post but I just wanted to express how grateful I am.
Thank you all so much and please keep up the wonderful work! :D
이전글 교무팀 이새봄나래씨 감사합니다.
다음글 경영대학 행정실 편입학 담당자님
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  • 홍보팀 ( 02-760-1146 )