


[채용/모집] 에너지과학과 전자현미경연구그룹-박사후연구원 및 석박사통합과정생 모집 최종 수정일 : 2016.02.18
  • 박은진
게시글 내용
                                                      박사후연구원 및 석박사통합과정생 모집
성균관대학교 에너지과학과 및 IBS나노구조물리연구단의 전자현미경연구 그룹에서는 세계적인 첨단 수차보정투과전자현미경 (ARM 200F, Grand ARM 300F)과 다양한 in-situ TEM 홀더를 이용하여 원자 수준에서 재료의 물리적 성질과 구조변화를 연구하고 창의적 연구 활동으로 연구 경력을 심화하고자 하는 박사후연구원과 석박사통합과정생들을 모집합니다. 본 연구실은 In-situ TEM법과 주사형투과전자현미경(STEM)법을 주요 분석 체계로 이용하여 오상호 교수와 김영민 교수의 지도 아래 세계적인 연구그룹들과 활발한 국제공동연구를 진행하고 있으며 집중적으로 연구할 프로그램은 다음과 같습니다. 

- Materials systems: 
   2D layered materials, Energy materials, Transition metal oxide materials, Novel structural materials 
   and anything as long as small for TEM research
- Main instrumental techniques: 
   In-situ TEM study in association with heating, electrical, and mechanical stimuli
   Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) combined with electron
   energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)
- Main TEM Analytical techniques:
   Quantitative atomic-scale STEM imaging and interpretation
   Electron holography (both inline and off-axis methods) for strain/charge mapping
   Atomic-resolution analytical (S)TEM using EELS/EDS
- 이외에도 PI와 협의하여 새로운 연구주제를 발굴할 수도 있으며 연구분야에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래 연락처로 
   문의 주시기 바랍니다.  / 연구실 홈페이지 : http://labaemn.wix.com/skku-tem
투과전자현미경을 이용한 재료 물성 연구에 관심과 열정이 있는 분들의 많은 지원을 바랍니다. 

- 제출서류: CV 및 대표논문 (TEM 분석 경험자 우대)
- 모집기한: 연중 상시
- 연락처: 성균관대학교 에너지과학과 오상호 교수 (sanghooh@skku.edu, 031-299-4057), 
                                                          김영민 교수 (youngmk@skku.edu, 031-299-4059)
- 급여: 경력을 고려한 협의(4대보험적용)

                                                Open Positions for Postdoctoral Researcher
The OK electron microscopy group (OKEM) of Department of Energy Science in Sungkyunkwan University located at Suwon, South Korea, has two open positions for postdoctoral researchers on the materials science programs which will be pursued by using the most advanced aberration-corrected in situ TEM/STEM. The OKEM, established through the strong support from Institute of Basic Science (IBS) on January 2016, is run by the two co-PIs with TEM/STEM expertises, Prof. Sang Ho Oh (previously affiliated to POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea) and Prof. Young-Min Kim (previously affiliated to STEM group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN and KBSI, Daejeon, South Korea). The OKEM group is equipped with the two state-of-the-art TEM/STEM systems, JEOL ARM 200F with double Cs correctors (particularly an ASCOR probe corrector from CEOS), Grand ARM 300F with double Cs correctors, and various detectors (high-resolution EELS and EDS, SAAF detectors, and bi-prism for electron holography) and in situ TEM holders (heating, heating/biasing, gas flow holders from DENS Solutions, straining holder from Gatan, and nanoindentation holder from Hysitron). With these most advanced TEM/STEM instruments in hand, the group is ultimately aiming at “seeing and identifying” individual atoms at work in TEM and high-resolution mapping of elastic strain, local charges, electric dipoles and magnetic spin and related physical properties to understand the structure-property relationship all the way down to the atomic-scale. The group has particularly strong research interests in: 1) new functionality emerging from “electride” based new material systems; 2) atomically controlled oxide hetero-interfaces and artificially fabricated transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures. The position will benefit greatly from close collaboration with world-renowned research groups.
Successful candidates are requested to possess:

- Ph.D in Materials Science, Condensed Matter Physics, Solid State Chemistry or related discipline;
- expertise in TEM characterization techniques (advantageous for in-situ TEM and/or aberration-
   corrected TEM/STEM experiences) and the appropriate sample preparation methods;
- TEM data analysis skills and experience in using computers for data acquisition, analysis, and 
   modeling. Knowledge of basic computer programming (Matlab, etc.) or scripting is also 
- good written and oral communication skills;
- strong self-motivation to work both independently and as a part of a team;
- proven ability for disseminating research results by writing manuscripts and giving academic 
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. 

Interested candidates are invited to send their CV to:
Prof. Sang Ho Oh (sanghooh@skku.edu)
Prof. Young-Min Kim (youngmk@skku.edu)
Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea
For more information, please visit the web page at http://labaemn.wix.com/skku-tem (currently under construction) 
이전글 미국 Fab Lab 전문가 초청 프로그램 참가학생 모집 안내
다음글 [학부대학] 2016 대계열 정시 추가합격 및 2015이상 복학(유급)생 대상 추가 학사 OT 안내
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