


[행사/세미나] CAMPUS Asia 포럼 안내(이택광 교수 특강) 최종 수정일 : 2020.11.26
  • 김동건
게시글 내용
<CAMPUS Asia 이택광 교수님 ZOOM 특강 안내>
길림대와 함께 진행하는  CAMPUS Asia online 영어 특강 
이번 주에는 경희대 이택광 교수님이 등장합니다. 
팬데믹과 그 후과에 대한 철학자(지젝, 한병철) 들의 논의를 중심으로 진행될 예정입니다.  많은 참여 바랍니다. 

- 일정:  11.27(금) 오후 4시-5시 
- 언어: 영어
- 참여방식: campusasia@skku.edu로 참가 신청 보내주시면 27일 오
  후 3시에  ZOOM 회의실 번호와 비번 보내드립니다. 
- 수업 개요 
In my lecture I will deal with several philosophers’ discussions of the pandemic and its aftermath. The pandemic of COVID-19 is the consequence of globally mobilizing capitalism. It jeopardizes the globalists’ belief in the market universalism imposed by the same trading rule, i.e., the dream of the neoliberal paradise across the world. The debate between Slavoj Žižek and Byung-Chul Han revolves around this issue. Žižek writes that “the coronavirus epidemic is a kind of ‘Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique’ attack on the global capitalist system – a signal that we cannot go on the way we were up until now, that a radical change is needed.” Referring to Kill Bill, Žižek takes on the term of a martial art fantasy, the deadly blow of “Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique,” for describing the COVID-19 effect which facilitates the fundamental crisis of global capitalism. For him, this pandemic of the biological virus brings forth the epidemic explosion of ideological viruses latently hidden in the paradise of global capitalism such as fake news, conspiracy theories and racism. Against Žižek’s appeal for the re-invention of communism, Byung-Chul Han declares that Žižek is wrong because global capitalism will be restored vigorously soon after this crisis and the virus cannot give us to “think” or “re-think” politics. Han’s position here seems to come along with Giorgio Agamben and Roberto Esposito, those who describe the use of emergency as a pretext towards the exceptional enaction of the authoritarian regimes, and further both Han and Esposito share views to see China as the future of Europe. My lecture will intervene into these arguments and try to bring forth the alternative vision of the future.
이전글 [공모전] 2020년도 공공외교 아이디어 / UCC 공모전 개최 (11.27 ~ 12.14.)
다음글 (마감)[창업지원단 캠퍼스타운] 단기 아르바이트 모집(행사 진행보조)
  • 상기 콘텐츠 담당