


[서비스융합디자인]Gino Yu교수 세미나(10/17) 최종 수정일 : 2014.10.16
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2014 세계지식포럼 초청연사이신 Gina Yu교수의 특강입니다.
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서비스융합디자인 (BK21플러스) 2014 가을 세미나

제목: The Role of Media 

초청연사: Gino Yu 교수 (Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, Associate Professor) 

주관: 인간중심 서비스융합디자인 BK21+사업단

일시: 2014년 10월 17일 (금) 오전 10:30~11:30
장소: 성균관대학교 명륜동 캠퍼스 국제관 지하3층(B3) 9B312 강의실

문의: 031-299-6581

The Role of Media 
Interactive video games have become one of the most engaging forms of media today. Although video games are predominantly used as a form of entertainment, they are finding other application areas including education and training (serious games). The interactive and engaging nature of video games also makes them an ideal platform for creating experiences that facilitate personal transformation and psychological well-being (meaningful games). Conditioned behaviors and beliefs have a physiological basis and are related to and accessible through emotional stimulation and awareness. A video game situation engages the player’s awareness and mind, while their real-time response, including the decisions they make within the game as well as their physiological reaction to the situation, reveals their conditioned behaviors and beliefs (worldview). By stimulating reflexivity in the player at critical moments, games can illuminate the relationship between thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body, and behavior. As players become increasingly aware of the nature of their underlying beliefs, change occurs. This talk presents a conceptual overview and framework for developing meaningful games as well as several approaches for designers to use in creating positive psychological change and transformation, including: transformation through narrative, cultivating somatic awareness, medication through gameplay, directly inducing experiences through non-traditional video game technologies, and facilitating introspection.


Dr. Gino Yu has taught and established multimedia programs and initiatives at institutions including the University of Southern California, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is currently an Associate Professor and Director of Digital Entertainment and Game Development in the School of Design at PolyU where he develops meaningful game projects at M-Lab, a commercially oriented digital entertainment laboratory he co-founded that provides consulting, research, instruction and develops new commercial opportunities.  He serves as program leader of the MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology program geared toward developing media technology related start-ups.  He also founded the Asia Consciousness Festival and hosted the 2009 edition of the Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference. His main area of research focuses on the application of media technologies to cultivate creativity and promote enlightened consciousness. He has spoken at many international conferences and events including TED Long Beach, the Cannes Lion Festival, and the Creative Leadership Forum.  Dr. Gino Yu received his BS and PhD at theUniversity of California at Berkeley in 1987 and 1993 respectively and has over 80 conference and journal publications and is a contributor to the Huffington Post.
이전글 [SAINT-BK21+]제임스혼교수 세미나(11/3월)
다음글 청중평가단 모집(고전독서 PT대회)
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