


SKKU's social activity club Enactus helping North Korean in our community 2015.07.08
  • 이승한
  • Views : 7356
게시글 내용

 “Running a business in North Korea was act of treason. So having people from there to run a café by ourselves, it was obvious that sales would have plummeted. So when the students from Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) came along, I thought to myself that ‘the heavens were helping us’”


It is eye catching to see the North Korean who struggled with her café is now smiling due to the help of college students. Choi Eun-Ok (Female, 48), the North Korean, left the country in 2008 with her little daughter. Moving through China and Cambodia she came to Korea this April. Working in factories she was fired frequently due to her weak health.


Losing jobs frequently she started making pillows. It started off nice. While the pillows were selling well, on March, she applied for a government based town business program and became the head of “North Korean defector cooperative”. Getting 80 million won($80,000)$ worth support she started the Café Neuru. This business was her biggest challenge after her escaping.

First day was a success. The sales came in as much as 1,000,000Won a day; however having lived her entire life in a communist country, the running of a business was a daunting task. Part time North Korean defectors were the problem: they would often just leave the cafe because they were getting tired.

Since last January the sale has decreased to 100,000Won a day. The encounter with the SKKU club “Enactus” has given her new hope to start over again. SKKU Enactus was originally dealing with issues surrounding the homeless. However from late last year they started turning their sight towards North Korean Defectors and got to know Neuru. The students reorganized drink menu, the daily & monthly sales records and for he last month have been helping with the re-establishment of the cafe. They are expected to introduce new menues and a marketing plane to connect with eateries in the area.

“Living in tears after hearing that my family was deported back to the North, I want to revive my new home and place of work, Neuru again.” said Choi.


                                    < Café “Neuru” Choi Eun-Ok (Middle) with SKKU students  form Enactus >




Link to media: http://www.seoul.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=20150706029025

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