Paper Publication Support
International Papers
- Basic Incentive Supporting System for Publication of Papers
- Provides fundamental paper publication support for authors (professors, researchers, doctors, and graduate students) when their papers are published in international journals (A&HCI, SSCI, SCIE)
- Support System for Paper Editing Services: Supports the entire amount of editing fees for the first author's paper submitted to international journals (A&HCI, SSCI, SCIE)
Domestic Papers
- Incentive to Publish Papers for Full-time Faculty Members in the Humanities and Social Science fields: Provides paper publication support for full-time faculty members in the Humanities and Social Science fields who submit papers to journals accredited by the National Research Foundation of Korea
HR Research Support
- Postdoctoral Research Program: Supports training costs for people who obtained Ph.Ds. and who aspire to receive further training. The applicants must be appointed or be scheduled to be appointed by a research institution affiliated with SKKU and be able to work as full-time employees.
- Postdoctoral Research Programs at International Institutions Located Outside of Korea: Supports training costs for people who obtained a Ph.Ds. and aspire to receive further training at world-class research institutions with advanced knowledge and skills.
Academic Activity Support
- Travel Grant for Researchers to Attend International Conferences: Provides grants for people who participate in international conferences to exchange international academic information and present their research results
- Support Expenses for Hosting Academic Conferences: Supports expenses for inviting renowned academics, such as Nobel laureates, for the purpose of academic events
- Prominent International Scholar Invitation Expenses Support: Supports expenses, including airfare, associated with inviting prestigious scholars for research advisory roles and academic lectures
Research Bid Support
- Research Assignment Bid Expenses Support: Supports expenses for attraction of research subjects (up to a certain amount) when recruiting for open competitive research projects that are planned and executed by an outside agency
Book Publication Support
- Book Authorship and Translation Incentive Grant: Provides grants for people who publish domestic/international, authored/translated, professional/academic books (new and revised editions are eligible)