

Academic Policies and Procedures

Compliance with University Policies

Registration as a student constitutes a commitment by the student to abide by University policies, rules and regulations, including those concerning registration, academic performance, student conduct, health and safety, use of the libraries and computing resources, university facilities, and the payment of fees and assessments. Some of these are set forth in the student handbook while others are available in relevant University offices. Students should take responsibility for informing themselves of applicable University policies, rules and regulations.

GLS System

An SKKU online membership ID provides access to the Sunkyunkwan University Academic System for Students (GLS) and its services, and identifies authorized users of these services.
Using GLS, students are able to register for courses and change courses, apply for a leave of absence and reinstatement as well as change their address and personal Information. In addition, academic record retrieval services and curriculum imformation such as syllabi or course descriptions are provided through the GLS system. Further information concerning the GLS system provided at the orientation for newly arrived students.


Registration means that students declare their intention to continue studying at SKKU and to retain their student status in Korea. Students on campus who are not registered during the scheduled period do NOT have the privileges of an SKKU student.
A person wishing to be reinstated as a graduate must apply for reinstatement through the GLS system and the registration notice paper may be found on GLS and printed out.

  • How to Register
    • The moment tuition and other fees are paid, a student's registration is complete.
    • Registration notices are sent each semester or found on GLS where they can be printed out.
    • Payments must be completed at the designated bank by the due date.
    • Generally, the registration period is scheduled on the 3rd week of February and August respectively.
  • Reissuing Registration Notice
    • Registration notices can be reissued using GLS or at the administrative office.
  • Dismissal Due to No Enrollment
    • Those who are not registered by the due date are considered dismissed students by default unless they apply for registration or leave of absence. If a student is dismissed, their legal status as a student in Korea may be discontinued and they must leave the country within a specific period of time.
  • Leave of Absence and Returning
    • An international students may take a leave of absence upon filing out a petition to do so with their relevant administrative office only if he or she has a health problem.
  • Required Documents
    • A medical certificate providint at least three weeks of treatment
    • Objective documents concerning an unavoidable incident
    • Application for a leave of absence must be made within 13 weeks after the semester begins.

    Master's students are allowed to take a leave of absence for up to a total of three semesters. Doctoral students are allowed to take a leave of absence for up to four semesters. Combined master's and doctoral students can take a leave of absence for up to six semesters.

    Students wishing to be reinstated must apply to return through the GLS system. After filling to return through GLS, students can print out the registration notice. During the scheduled registration period, they must complete the tuition payment and enroll in classes.

    Unless students return to the University within the scheduled semester, they must apply for an extension of their leave of absence or they will be dismissed according to the Dismissal of Expiration of Leave of Absence Policy.

  • Dismissal and Readmission (Reinstatement)

    If students fall under the following conditions, their status may be disqualified and they may be dismissed as SKKU students:

    • Dismissal by No Enrollment
    • Dismissal by Voluntary Drop
    • Dismissal by Giving Up Enrollment
    • Dismissal by Punishment
    • Dismissal by Expiration of Leave of Absence
    • Dismissal by Academic Warning/Probation
    • Other Dismissal

    The University is not obligated to approve the readmissions of students. Applications for readmission are reviewed by the University and are subject to the approval of the Faculty Steering Committee and Policy of its designees. Readmission decisions may be based on the applicant’s status when last enrolled, activities while away from campus, the length of the absence, the perceived potential for successful completion of the course, and any other factors or considerations regarded as relevant by the University or the Committee. Application for readmission must be submitted to the relevant administrative office.

Transcripts and Certification of Enrollment or Degrees

Transcripts of SKKU records are issued by the Academic Affairs Office upon a student’s request when submitted in writing or via the online GLS system. The courses taken and grades given in one semester will not appear on any student’s transcript until all grades received by the grade deadline have been recorded; generally, this is two weeks after final exams. The University reserves the right to withhold transcripts or records of students with unmet obligations to the University.

The Academic Affairs Office canprovidewritten confirmation of registration, enrollment, or degree status. The printed certification can be used whenever enrollment or degree verification is required for scholarships, visa extensions, and so on. Issuing services for certification of enrollment, transcripts or degrees are provided through the following channels:

  • Office Issuing Service: When a student presents their ID card to the Academic Affairs Office, it takes 10 minutes for the certification to be provided.
  • Internet Issuing Service: Using GLS, students are able to print out a legally binding authorized certification through electronic notarization on any network PC.
  • Postal Issuing Service: Postal service for issuing certifications is also available.
  • Fax Issuing Service: Students can order a faxed copy from the fax certificate issuing service at any civil petition office. It takes three hours.
  • How to get a certification service
    How to utilize certification services:
    Campus Venue Business Hours Remarks
    Office Issuing Service Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Affairs Office (1F, 600th Anniversary Hall 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM No service on holidays
    Natural sciences Center for Administrative Services (1F, Student Union Building) 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM No service on holidays
    Services(1F, Student Union Building)
    Vending Machine Issuing Service Humanities and Social Sciences 1F, 600th Anniversary Hall
    1F, Business Building
    5F, Suseon Hall
    4F, Central Library
    24 hours
    Natural Sciences 1F, Student Union Building
    1F, Engineering Building 1
    1F, Engineering Building 2
    1F, Natural Science Library
    24 hours
  • Amendment of Student Record
    • A student may ask the University to amend records that he/she believes are inaccurate or misleading. The student should submit a petition for the amendment of their record to the relevant administrative office. The student must clearly identify the part of the records they want changed, and specify why it should be changed.
  • Grading System
    • As can be seen from the following grade descriptions, consideration is given as a result of evaluations, mid-term exams, final exams, attendance, and participation.
  • Grading Scale
    Grading Scale
    A+ 4.5 C+ 2.5
    A 4.0 C 2.0
    B+ 3.5 D+ 1.5
    B 3.0 D 1.0

    Failing and Incomplete Grades

  • Incomplete Grade
    • Incomplete grades are marked with the letter "I"(Incomplete). They are restricted to cases in which graduate students have satisfactorily completed a substantial part of the course work. No credit will be given until the course is completed and a passing grade is awarded. When a final grade is received, the letter "I" is replaced. The grade will be changed to an "F" (Fail) if the course is not completed by the due date.
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