


President Chung's New Year's Address 2016.01.12
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Respectfully to all in Sungkyunkwan University,


With the duty of the 20th presidency, call upon by all  to undertake, has stoled its first year by and is gone, we are now greeting the new year of 2016, 丙申年(Byungshin Nyun), with great anticipation and hope. This year is called the year of the red monkey where it is said that the elements of yang, fire and the color red culminate and enables all things to be executed with a forward-looking and proactive outcome. As we enter such a vibrant new year, I sincerely wish for all in Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) to have all their endearing goals and hopes bear fruit for this year.


As the university celebrates its 618th anniversary in the new year, SKKU is ceaselessly creating  values derived from ‘the new value of the old’, by bringing together in harmony, tradition and cutting-edge field of studies, and, with the active support by our foundation, Samsung Corporation, we continue to proceed with pioneering and outstanding university innovation.


Through these efforts, SW Centered University Support Program, Grand ICT Research Center Program, Self-Curing Environmental Concrete Research Center and more, have been selected as major government projects last year. Especially with the Brain Korea 21+ Project (BK21+) which is the core foundation for graduate school education and a research centered university, we have procured an outstanding 31 projects. Also we have repeatedly demonstrated unprecedented and spectacular achievements like becoming the NO. 1 private university in Korea at the Joong-Ang Daily University Rankings for the 3rd consecutive year, marking NO. 1. on the National Consumer Satisfaction Index (NCSI) for the 9th consecutive year, and completing the construction of the N Center, the world’s top level basic science research facility, and more.


In addition, we have risen the ranks in the QS World Rankings to 118, while demonstrating to be the finest private university in Korea according to ‘Times Higher Education (THE) World Rankings’ and ‘US News & World Report’s Global Universities Rankings’. This is especially felt by the active willing gestures for international cooperation from the world’s prestigious universities abroad.


Such outstanding achievements in the midst of adversity was only made possible by the passionate participation and selfless support of the faculty, administrative staff, the foundation, the students and 210 thousand alumni’s heart warming affection for the university, in order to propel beyond being the best university in Korea to become a truly global leading university. So I would like to take this opportunity to express, from the bottom of my heart, my admiration and gratitude to each and everyone of you.


People of SKKU!

This year, we also are expecting an acceleration of change in the environment surrounding the university. The threats that we encounter are diverse and complex, such as the heated global competition between universities, the advent of a new education trend based on technological innovation, the growing demand from students and corporations as a comsumer and more. However, these threats in my view are no different from the opportunity that will further propel  our university as we take on this new challenge. For those who are prepared there can be no threats but opportunities.


One year ago when I was appointed to the presidency, I referred to you a quote from the Analects of Confucius, the chapter of Jaro (子路), “If you truthfully employ me, I will lay the foundations in one year and yield profits in three.“(子曰 苟有用我者, 期月而己可也, 三年有成). With this in mind I have concentrated to solidify the university, in my first year, based on the great legacy laid by my predecessors before me. And now for the next three years, in order to create a truly global leading university, we will be moving forward with the ‘New Challenge Project’ as follows:


One, we will strengthen soft-wear(SW) education & fusion learning
Two, we will concentrate and strengthen research by establishing ‘Research Troika’ and more
Three, we will do our utmost to raise ‘Global Pride’ by expanding ‘Global Alliances’
Four, we will greatly expand industry-university cooperation through the ‘SKKU Enterprise Foundation’ and more
Five. we will exalt pride of being the finest university, through ‘Innovation in Management’ and ‘Combined Leadership’


We hope that all of you will actively participate and show your support for our university’s new challenge. The dream that all in SKKU dreams with one heart and one mind, will always come true.


Again I’d like to express my gratitude for the dedication and appreciation that all have shown last year, and wish for a year filled with a future that holds great achievements and happiness for all in SKKU.


January 11th


 President of Sungkyunkwan University  CHUNG KYU SANG

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