


SKKU-Nagoya University held a Joint Symposium 2016.12.07
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Dept. of Biomedical Engineering (Chair: Min Ah SUH) of SKKU and Nagoya University (President: Seiichi Matsuo) held a joint symposium at SKKU Natural Science Campus N Center from Nov 24th (Thurs) to Nov 25th (Fri).


From the symposium, the two universities made development on strengthening exchanges and joint researches finding global trend of researches by inviting distinguished international scholars enlarging network of researchers and adapting new technologies in the field of neuroscience expanding joint research fields by holding regular joint symposium searching ways to activate researchers, and more.


SKKU’s Global Biomedical Engineering Department was established in 2015 with the aim to cultivate top world experts through the development of core areas in the field of biomedical engineering. The Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (Director: Seong Gi KIM) of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is studying neuro imaging technology using functional magnetic resonance imaging technology, in order to find mechanisms of the brain.


Dept. of Global Biomedical Engineering is one of many global departments at SKKU, while the Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research is the main research institute which receives financial support from the government. From this event, they were able to raise their global brand power though promotions in such areas as research goal, vision, research infra, and performance.


The next joint symposium will be held at Nagoya University on Nov 2017 under the theme of Mobility in Industry.  






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