


College of Engineering is Evolving as an ‘Entrepreneurial College’ 2017.03.29
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게시글 내용

SKKU’s College of Engineering has set their vision as a ‘Global Top 20 by 2020’ and has planned 3 core strategies.


Last year, several departments in the College of Engineering were placed in the world top 50, such as; School of Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering (40th), School of Chemical Engineering (48th), and School of Mechanical Engineering (50th).


The College of Engineering is evolving as an ‘Entrepreneurial College’ which can create future new industry, and they announced 3 core strategies for its realization: (1) Cultivate outstanding engineers with convergence thinking by providing curriculums combined with research and industry cooperation, (2) Make smart innovation R&BD environment to reinforce research ability and specialization of industrial cooperation, (3) Expand global open networks.


The main development strategy in order to evolve as an ‘Entrepreneurial College’ is the planning of ‘Success 3.0’. This is a strategy of an innovative education and research plan, designed for the 4th industrial revolution based on the smart environment. As one of the plans for the educational aspect in the ‘Success 3.0’, every department implemented the ABEEK system in order to produce ‘Holistic Engineer’ who have good conduct, convergence knowledge, software skills, global competence, and social responsibility. Also, various programs such as Grand Challenge Tech + Innovator certification system, Smart Car Track certification system, and Material School certification system are provided to produce leaders in the 4th industrial revolution. Furthermore, the team research activity credit system and flipped class have been offered more.


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Meanwhile, the ‘Successful Research Society’ has been initiated. This society was created in order to explore and practice globally raised research issues, with experts in the industries. There are 7 societies in the areas of autonomous smart vehicle, smart health wearable equipment, smart water total care, and so on. Research income also exceeded 85 billion won. Moreover, Multimodal walking robot and Women Engineers Fostering Program are under operation, while 9 projects for BK21+ Project have been selected.


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성균관대 공과대학


Every member in the College of Engineering is striving to realize their vision of ‘Global Top 20 by 2020’ and these efforts will continue into the future. 

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