


SKKU Research & Business Foundation – Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) signed MOU 2021.09.06
  • Office of International Relations
  • Views : 7575
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SKKU Research & Business Foundation – Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) signed MOU to establish a leading model of university-industry-government cooperation

 - Establishing comprehensive and strategic cooperative relationships, such as fostering talent in local industries and exchanging technology and human resources

Sungkyunkwan University’s Research & Business Foundation (President: Shin, Dong-Ryeol, Director: Park, Sun Kyu) held a MOU ceremony on September 2 (Thu) with Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (President: Kim, Hak-Do). The MOU was signed to establish a leading model of cooperation initiative among university, industry, and government to foster talents of future growing industries.

At the ceremony, Sun-Kyu Park (Director of SKKU Research & Business Foundation), and Yeong Hwan Woo (Director of Job Creation & Employment Division of KOSME), and other staffs from both organizations attended online.

Based on this agreement, SKKU and KOSME plan to contribute to the revitalization of the local economy and the development of the local industry by △ promoting joint projects to foster talents of future growth industries, △ mentoring and supporting start-ups to promote youth start-ups, and △ supporting the operation of the curriculum of the start-up academy.

Sun Kyu Park said, “In this hard time when the local industries are struggling due to the prolonged COVID-19, rapid spread of 4th industrial revolution technology, and Japan’s export controls, we are pleased to use the university’s various educational and research capabilities for the growth of small and medium sized venture companies that are the foundation of the national economy in collaboration with the SMEs.”

Woo Yeong Hwan (Director of Job Creation & Employment Division of KOSME) also said, “Based on this agreement, we expect that we can provide small and medium sized venture companies, which are the cornerstone of national economy, the opportunities to leap forward as global small and strong companies.”

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