


Survey Research Center (SRC), Academy of East Asian Studies, Holds EASS Conference and signs MOU with ESS 2023.02.16
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Survey Research Center (SRC), Academy of East Asian Studies, Holds EASS Conference and signs MOU with ESS

The Survey Research Center (SRC) of the Academy of East Asian Studies has successfully finished the East Asian Social Survey, EASS, Conference for two days starting from Feb. 7th. This conference, which resumed after the three-year pandemic break, had its members who were comprised of scholars from Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries. They have joined to utilize the data compiled from KGSS, CGSS, JGSS, and TSCS in order to delve further into the topic of “The societal and personal changes of life due to COVID-19”.

Prof. Rory Fitzgerald (City, University of London), the director of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), participated in the conference to explain about the European Social Survey and signed an MOU with the Survey Research Center to conduct joint research on international comparative research and its relations.

The East Asian Academy of Sciences (SRC) is the head institution of the Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), which is a national model research study of international comparison. Under the agreement, the SRC of the Academy of East Asian Studies will not only participate in the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) involving 44 countries around the world and East Asian Social Survey (EASS) involving four East Asian countries but also conduct joint research of European Social Survey (ESS) involving 40 European countries.

○ Related websites

- Korean General Social Survey, KGSS: https://kgss.skku.edu/kgss/index.do 

- International Social Survey Programme (ISSP): https://issp.org/ 

- East Asian Social Survey (EASS): https://www.eassda.org/ 

- European Social Survey (ESS): https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/

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