


SKKU University for Creative Korea held the ‘Sungkyun C-School Intensive Program’ 2016.11.11
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Talent Cultivation Business Unit of Creative Informatics based on Convergence (Head: Dong Ryeol SHIN), which is a part of SKKU’s ‘University Creative for Korea Project’ held the ‘Sungkyun C-School Intensive Program’ at Business Hall Creative Design Studio. This event was held 5 times between September to November, with sponsorship by the Center of Higher Education Innovation (Head: Sang Hoon BAE).


Sungkyun C-School Intensive Program is a short-term intensive extracurricular program for developing SW capability, which is easy and fun for all students even for non-majors of Software. 3 courses were available on the program; ‘Processing’ course on data visualization trough processing (for beginners), ‘Creative Models and Realization’ course on short-term SW capability development by using Lego Mind Storm EV3 which is a Robot Brick, and ‘Programming Media’ course on problem solving capability development by using Little Bits, an electronic coding kit.


Field experts including Jong In LEE (Interaction Designer), Hyung Woong KANG (President of Handson Tech), Sang Hyung PARK (President of Doguin) gave lectures and students had the opportunity to practice programming and take an electronic coding module over a short period of time.


In order to activate regional networks, Sungkyun C-School Intensive Program was opened to all high schools belonging to the JungBu District Office of Education, with 28 students from 10 high schools participating. High school students worked together with undergraduate students and participated in practical training. A Certificate of Participation was also given to students.


Yeon Woo KIM (Hwan Il High School, 2nd Grade) said “It was impressive to realize my idea through new and practical tools such as

‘Little Bits’. I will challenge myself more while holding onto my precious ideas.”



성균 C-School


성균 C-School


성균 C-School

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