


SKKU’s Cho Moo Geun throws a win for the KT WIZ 2015.07.06
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In a game with KIA TIGERS, Sungkyunkwan Univesity(SKKU) graduate Cho Moo Geun, throws to get the win for his team, KT WIZ. on July 3.


With WIZ off on a rocky start as the start-up pitcher Um Sang-baik gave 3 runs in the first inning, Cho was put up on the mound from the second inning. For 4 innings he kept the TIGERS at bay without giving a single run, which lead to the team’s 10:3 victory and his fourth win of the season.


After graduating from Sanwon High School, Cho entered SKKU and was picked up by the KT WIZ in the 2015 draft.


KT WIZ pitcher Cho Moo Geun

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