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Expansion of SKKU WAVE (K-COIL) for the Bold Challenge of Global/Digital Collaborative Education 2024.03.13
  • Office of International Relations
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Expansion of SKKU WAVE (K-COIL) for the Bold Challenge of Global/Digital Collaborative Education

Our university has selected the SKKU WAVE (Sungkyunkwan University Worldwide Alliance for Virtual Exchange) program, which has been operated since the second semester of the 2023 academic year as the primary task of university education innovation, being the first in Korea to operate a global online collaborative class. It will continue to expand operations in the 2024 academic year.

The SKKU WAVE program successfully operated educational courses jointly with global universities in Australia, Singapore, the United States, Canada, and other countries during the second semester of the 2023 academic year, utilizing digital technology-based learning platforms and online communication solutions. It provided students with opportunities to study and collaborate with students from various countries and cultural backgrounds.

Sang-hoon Baek, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Director of the Digital Education Innovation Institute, stated, "WAVE (K-COIL) will provide Sungkyunkwan University with new opportunities to interact and collaborate with global students," adding, "Through online collaboration, students will strengthen their global competencies and help them grow into global citizens by forming networks with students from various countries and cultural backgrounds."

Especially in the 2024 academic year, successful overseas prestigious university courses operated by the main campus will be incorporated into WAVE global joint lectures, expanding opportunities for our university students to have diverse global learning experiences through online platforms.

In the first semester of the 2024 academic year, a total of 11 WAVE programs will be operated, and the detailed course list is as follows.



파트너 대학

글로벌 공동교육


(소프트웨어학과 정재훈 교수)

미국) Rochester Institute of Technology


(아동청소년학과 이태경 교수)

미국) University of Texas


(경제학과 류두진 교수)

미국) Univ. of Virginia

호주) RMIT Univ.


(SAINT 권오석 교수)

중국) Nanjing Agricultural Univ.


(경영학과 서아영 교수)

홍콩) City Univ. of Hongkong


(미디어커뮤니케이션학과 이지영 교수)

미국) Northwestern University


(교육학과 노진아 교수)

싱가포르) Nanyang Technological University

글로벌 공동강의


(영어영문학과 싸이몬에스톡 교수)

미국) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

미국) St. John’s University

Materials Chemistry I.(재료화학1)

(화학과 고두현 교수)

미국) UC Berkeley


(융합생명공학과 권대혁 교수)

미국) University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


(사학과 최자명 교수)

미국) Harvard university

Our university plans to significantly expand the WAVE (K-COIL) courses and expand partnerships with prestigious universities not only in English-speaking countries but also in the Asia-Pacific region where real-time classes are possible (Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, China, Japan, etc.) to provide students with a more vibrant global educational experience.

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