

SKKU News - University

SKKU gives Unhyeongung Palace's hidden story 2015.07.03
  • 이승한
  • Views : 6837
게시글 내용

June 27, cultural heritage commentator from the Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) Confucianism Culture Research Center is explaining to a group of 30 people about Heungseon Daewongun (Regent of the Kingdom of Joseon in the 1800)  Unhyeongung Palace.


“Unhyeongung Palace is called a palace because it is was a house of Heungseon Daewongun, King regent, and a place where Gojong (Heungseon Daewongun’s son and King of Joseon during the early 1900) was born. There is a direct entry to Changdeokgung Palace where Gojong stayed when he resided there.


The day’s event was held for an hour thoroughly looking around Unhyeongung Palace.

One participant said, “I thought this palace wasn't that important. But after looking inside the complex and hearing the explanations, now it’s seems very interesting.”


This event is one of the many events of ‘Finding the future from the past 600 years in Academic city, Jong-no’ promoted by Jongno-gu(municipal district) and Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).
Humanities’ city project was introduced by the National Research Foundation of Korea, and supports seminars and events hosted by universities and local governments.


In 2014, 17 local governments and universities were selected for this program, where 11 of them will be working for 3 years and another 6 for 1. The amount of financial support will be around one hundred million KRW per year.



Visitors to Unhyeongung Palace  following the tour provided by the Jongno-Gu & SKKU


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