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Nobel Laureate Prof. Amano Hiroshi Invitational Lecture 2015.02.26
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Nobel Prize laureate Prof. Amano Hiroshi gave a invitational lecture at Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)’s 600th Anniversary Hall. In his lecture he emphasized the importance of convergence and cooperation to make breakthroughs in science, and asserted convergence is the foundation.


“I majored in electrical engineering but only after connecting physics, science, material science and many other fields, was I able to make the breakthrough” Prof. Amano explained, “Convergence of various fields, convergence of various specialists and eventually convergence of cultures is what is needed.”


In the morning Prof. Amano attended a forum to talk about the importance of global cooperation and establishing a research eco-system for promoting creative research development. 


In 2014 Prof. Amano along with Prof. Isamu Akasaki and Prof. Shuji Nakamura were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their research in LED.


This event was hosted by the Global Reserach Development Center(GDRC) in cooperation with SKKU, and sponsored by the Ministry of Science and ICT and Future Planning. 

 SKKU Invitation Lecture Nobel Laureate Amano Hiroshi



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