

SKKU News - Professor

“AI is an opportunity for non-Engineering students” – Interview with President SHIN 2019.08.19
  • 국제교류팀
  • Views : 9759
게시글 내용

“AI (artificial intelligence) will provide a good opportunity for students outside of engineering disciplines. AI does not only remain in the area of technology. Once the development of AI reaches a certain point, it will become more important in other fields of application.” 

President Dong Ryeol SHIN emphasized that AI will provide bigger opportunities for students in humanities/social sciences. It was an argument unexpected to hear from a president who has his background in engineering.


President SHIN argued, “Once AI technology advances a little further, there will be discussions about ethical issues. Setting the data properly at an early stage is very important since it can cause serious problems in the society. The role of non-engineers is important in catching the errors. I believe AI will open new opportunities for colleges of humanities and social sciences.”


President SHIN clarified that it is unnecessary to change the entire curriculum in order to teach AI to non-engineering students. SKKU will approach AI by absorbing in to the original curriculum. The university will open customized AI courses for each colleges starting next semester. Students can take a course on AI specialized in their own majors. President SHIN is also considering to set AI courses as a mandatory course.


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