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5 books by SKKU professors chosen as Best Academic Book of 2019 2019.07.11
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Ministry of Education and National Academy of Sciences announced the “Best Academic Book of 2019” on July 8th. The books of 5 professors from SKKU were in the list. 286 books were selected in total (Humanities 65, Social Sciences 95, Korean Studies 40, Natural Sciences 86).

Prof. Kwangsoo KIM (Economics), <국부론과 애덤 스미스의 융합 학문_도서출판 해남>

Prof. Bihwan KIM (Political Sciences), <개인적 자유에서 사회적 자유로 : 어떤 자유, 누구를 위한 자유인가_성균관대학교출판부>

Prof. Sanghyun KIM (Russian Literature), <러시아 정교회 건축과 예술_민속원>

Prof. Junggeun SHIN (Confucian Studies), <중국 미학사 : 상고 시대부터 명청 시대까지_성균관대학교출판부>

Prof. Wonsik SHIM (Library and InformationScience), <빅데이터, 새로운 깨달음의 시대_성균관대학교출판부>


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