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SKKU’s Seven Freshmen Donated 300 Face Masks to Korean Red Cross 2020.08.31
  • Office of International Relations
  • Views : 8220
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SKKU’s Seven Freshmen Donated 300 Face Masks to Korean Red Cross

Seven Freshmen from the Department of Social Welfare of SKKU donated 300 face masks to Korean Red Cross to prevent infection by operating ‘Overcome COVID-19 Program’. The Korean Red Cross plans to deliver these masks to medical team and volunteers in Jeju.

Seung-Hoon Koo, the first year representative, said “We prepared the masks to help neighbors who are suffering from COVID-19 and we will continue to volunteer.”

*Original Article: Headlinejeju http://www.headlinejeju.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=426129

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