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SKKU, #1 Employment Rate for Five Consecutive Years 2021.01.14
  • Office of International Relations
  • Views : 11084
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SKKU, #1 Employment Rate Among Four-year Universities in Korea for Five Consecutive Years

Sungkyunkwan University ranked first in the employment rate of four-year university graduates in 2019 for five consecutive years. 


The Ministry of Education and the Korea Educational Development Institute announced the employment rate of graduates in February (including graduates in August 2018) through a university notification on the 13th. The overall employment rate for all four-year university graduates in Korea in 2019 was at 63.4%, decreased 1% from the previous year. The employment rate has continuously been declined over the past five years. 


This survey excluded the effects of the COVID-19 by carrying out the survey targeting the graduates in 2019 only. The reason why the Ministry of Education announces the disclosure data two years ago is that it is easy to identify those who have health insurance, but there is a slight time difference in identifying graduate students, individual artists, and overseas workers who are employed. 

In the survey, Sungkyunkwan University recorded 78.6% employment rate, maintaining its top position among the four-year universities in Korea for five consecutive years. Hanyang University ranked second and Sogang University ranked third. 


*Original Article: https://www.hankyung.com/society/article/202101138707i

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