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College of Information and Communication Engineering’s venture company receives an award 2019.10.16
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Case Lab Co. is a venture company founded by Sungkyunkwan University’s College of Information and Communication Engineering. Case Lab Co. has received the “Best Product of the Year” award at the “2019 Robo-World” after launching the “CIR 751” robot. 

Case Lab Co. began as a spinoff venture company under the lead of Professor Taeyong GUK, Jonggu PARK and Yongseok KIM. The controllable robot research lab originally began as the ICon lab, which was recognized as the top class research lab in the field of intelligent robots by winning the world robot football tournament numerous times. Case Lab Co. is a company that specializes in intelligent robots built on the foundation of intelligent sensors and AI algorithm. It began supplying industrial safety diagnosis robots to Posco Co. just one year after the establishment. 

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