

SKKU News - Alumni (Donation)

Graduate School of Business Administration Scholarship Fund Delivery Ceremony 2022.10.20
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Graduate School of Business Administration Scholarship Fund Delivery Ceremony

The Graduate School of Business Administration alumni association (President Jinki Kim) visited the president’s office on October 19 and delivered the ‘Graduate School of Business Administration Scholarship Fund’ of KRW 400 million.

This fund has been delivered to SKKU for smooth fund management as well as donation promotion and fund expansion as scholarships that have been collected by the Graduate School of Business Administration Alumni Association since 2009 for the love of juniors.

From SKKU, Dong Ryeol Shin (SKKU President), Youngsu Chu (Permanent Director of Board), Joonmo Cho (Executive Vice President of Humanities and Social Sciences Campus), Sun-Kyu Park (Executive Vice President of Natural Sciences Campus), Seong Woo Ji (Vice President of External Affairs) attended at the ceremony, and from the Graduate School of Business Administration Alumni Association, Jinki Kim (Alumni President, CEO of Seji), Yusik Oh (Honorary President, CEO of Hanna International), Woohun Rhee (Adviser, CEO of Komns), Yongjoo Jeon (Senior Vice President, CEO of Hashsnap), and Dongsun Sa (Secretary General, CEO of Gorgeous) attended the ceremony.

In the greeting, President Shin said, “I deeply appreciate the love of SKKU and juniors of the Graduate School of Business Administration Alumni Association, and the Business Building 2, which is the long-cherished desire for Business School alumni, is set to begin construction in this November. We ask for greater interest and contribution from Business School alumni.”

▲ (from the left) Jinki Kim, Yusik Oh, Woohun Rhee, Yongjoo Jeon

Alumni President Kim said, “Thank you for inviting me to this meaningful event in which we entrusted scholarship funds to SKKU with various distinguished guests in good weather today. In the past, I donated KRW tens of millions to SKKU in consideration of social contributions while studying late due to difficulties in my circumstances, but I will try harder to reach KRW 100 million by donating even more. Also, I will expand support for students in need of households with continuous donations.”

Honorary President Oh said, “I am deeply moved to have such a meaningful event. I will continue to take the lead in the development of SKKU.”

Advisor Rhee said, “President Shin told us about the lack of research funds for professors in the Humanities including the Business School, so I will try to provide an opportunity for research funding through the company. Using my 10 years of experience as president of the Graduate School of Business Administration Alumni Association, I will encourage people to participate in donations and work hard for the development of SKKU in the future.”

Senior Vice President Jeon said, “I would like to thank Mr. Rhee for his sacrificial efforts over the years. Today, I’m very happy that Alumni President Kim’s decision has come to fruition as the school entrustment management of the fund, our long-cherished wish, has been resolved. I will donate more and encourage more donations. In addition, as the scholarship will be sufficiently covered by the national scholarship, we will pay more attention to and promote it to expand the faculty research fund and the school development fund.”

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