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Sungkyun Institute of China Studies Signs MoU with Washington Think Tank Asia-Pacific Strategy Center (CAPS) 2023.04.04
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Views : 6327
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Sungkyun Institute of China StudiesSigns Memorandum of Understanding with Washington Think Tank Asia-Pacific Strategy Center (CAPS)

Academy of East Asian Studies’ Sungkyun Institute of China Studies (Hee Ok Lee) of Sungkyunkwan University signed a memorandum of understanding with the Center for Asia Pacific Strategy (Director Hee-Eun Kim), a multinational think tank based in Washington, D.C., on March 31 (Fri), and decided to plan and operate future international academic conferences and joint research.

Director Hee-eun Kim explained that various projects conducted by the Asia-Pacific Strategy Center are closely related to China issues and stressed that cooperation with Sungkyun Institute of China Studies will strengthen the center's expertise in China and enhance its in-depth understanding of China's perspective. Director said that through future cooperation, the institute will make efforts to share a more diverse perspective on China, using the base of its existing research network as an opportunity to expand to North America and Europe.

As part of its recent internationalization project, the Sungkyun Institute of China Studies will work to continue strengthening its existing solid international cooperation platform with China, Japan, and Taiwan, while expanding its scope of exchanges with Western academia and policy think tanks such as Europe and the United States.

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