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[Academics] 2024 Spring Semester, Entry-to-a-Major(Overseas Koreans students/International students) 최종 수정일 : 2023.12.01
게시글 내용
(In the case of the first application, it is the application period for students who cannot apply for the final application due to reasons such as military enlistment leave. Students who can apply for the final application only need to apply during the final period. However, it is recommended that students who applied for the first time should check your rank again during the final period.)

1. Applicants: 
Overseas Koreans and foreign students who have entered in (or before) first semester 2023, and have completed two full semesters by the end of the second semester 2023.

2. The first application period 
   ☞ Dec 4 (Mon) 10:00 ∼ 8, (Fri) 18:00 (Based on GLS Saving Time) 

3. Prior entry application for international (fully foreign) students with excellence in TOPIK and GPA
   ☞ Dec 18 (Mon) ~ 29, (Fri) 18:00 (Only submit through email: hakbu@skku.edu)
   ※ Qualifications: TOPIK grade 6 and last two semesters’ GPA average 3.5 or above 

4. The final alteration period (rankings are available until 17:30 on the date of the deadline)
  HSSC ☞ Jan 25, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ∼ Jan 26, 2024 (Fri) 18:00 (Based on GLS Saving Time) 
  NSC ☞ Jan 29, 2024 (Mon) 10:00 ∼ Jan 30, 2024 (Tue) 18:00 (Based on GLS Saving Time) 
◆ Based on GLS Saving Time: The alteration of the wish list and rankings will no longer be available past 18:00 based on the saving time (Please note that further alterations cannot be made even due to internet connection or access issues)

5. Date of Department Entrance Announcement and the Change in Department  
   ☞ Department Confirmation Date: Feb 1, 2024 (Thu) 10:00

6. Application Procedure
1) All applicants must apply directly through GLS within the notified time.
2) To apply, applicants should rank all the departments in their affiliated college.
3) Applicants may change the ranking of the desired major during the application period; however, it cannot be altered any further after the deadline. 

◆ Application Process: GLS ⇨ Application/Graduation Requirements Management ⇨ 전공신청 ⇨ 학과신청 (Affiliated College) ⇨ Enter the rankings of majors  ⇨ Apply

7. Others
1) The priority of the application is more important than the grades. If a student (A) with 4.0 grades supports "Ga" major with 2 applications and a student (B) with 3.5 applications supports "Ga" major with 1 application, student B is ranked higher than student A.
2) The quota for each department may change after the end of the first application period, so you must check your rank in the final period.
3) For detailed information, visit the undergraduate university website (http://hakbu.skku.edu/) and refer to  ‘학과진입지침’ or ‘학과진입 FAQ’.

◆Contact information for the administrative office and Sungkyunkwan mentor
  - University College Administration Office
   ☏ (Humanities and Social Sciences Campus) 02-760-0991, Hoam Hall 2F
   ☏ (Natural Sciences Campus) 031-299-4224, General Studies 2F 
  - Sungkyunkwan Mentor
   ☏ College of Humanities and Social Sciences (Humanities and Social Sciences Campus): 02-760-0772∼4
   ☏ College of Natural Sciences and Engineering (Natural Sciences Campus): 031-299-4216∼7, 9

Attachment : Application form for prior entry for international (fully foreign) students with excellence in TOPIK and GPA
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